
Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages and disadvantages of our software, for your information before purchasing

please read Rules before purchasing


With this software, you can easily and quickly design a beautiful text.

The letters are very diverse and accessing these letters is also very easy.

Upcoming updates will be free and at the disposal of all buyers.

The software is very cheap and very easy to work with.


In the exported text, sometimes the letters are displaced from one pixel up to a few pixels which is not an issue in most cases. But in very delicate, big, or laser jobs it’s necessary to arrange some letters in another software. I hope that I will be able to solve this problem in the future.

Inability to change the color, style, or rotation in the software.

After that the text is exported, you need another software like Photoshop to change the color and style, to print, and to do other things.

This software is locked based on the hard disk and if the hard disk or the system is changed, you need to buy another one for the new system. However, if the hard disk is changed once, they can get the software once more. This is accessible via the update-related page of every software.